Director,Clinical Pharmacology Lead

Position Purpose:Responsible for designing and implementing a Clinical Pharmacology plan that conforms to appropriate regulatory guidelines such that rational development and registration of drug candidates can be rapidly achieved in China.
Serves as the Clinical Pharmacology representative on drug development and clinical sub-teams and provides clinical pharmacology expertise and leadership to projects.
Plans and directs clinical pharmacology components of clinical programs (including clinical development plan) and studies (including design, clinical phase oversight, synopsis preparation and reporting).
Leads multifunctional study team to design, deliver and report the assigned clinical pharmacology studies and has overall scientific accountability for the designated studies.
Responsible (with Clinicians and Statisticians) for ensuring appropriate dose-finding strategies during clinical drug development that will ensure optimal doses and dosage regimens in patients.
Accountable for the development and implementation of a clinical modeling and simulation plan based on agreed upon best practices (i.e. model-based drug development) in collaboration with Pharmacometrics.
Responsible for use of quantitative methods to integrate knowledge of pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), patient characteristics and disease states to optimize doses, dosage regimens and study designs throughout clinical drug development.
Responsible for appropriate summarization and interpretation of results of PK-PD analyses with respect to their impact on development and clinical use of drugs.
In collaboration with global Business Unit, evaluates PK (and/or PD) and safety results among ethnic groups to contribute to the faster submission and authorization in China utilizing global study results.
Provides clinical pharmacology support and leadership in the preparation and defense of regulatory submissions.
Organizational Relationships:Solid line report within the line organization of Development China.
Collaborates closely with project team members, particularly with other triad colleagues from Clinical Development, Statistics and Pharmacometricians.
Provides matrix leadership to a wider Clinical Pharmacology team (e.g. from Global Clinical Pharmacology including US/EU Clinical Pharmacology Leads, Pharmacometrics, Clinical Assay Group), particularly for larger projects.
Other important partnerships can include Development Operations, Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics and Metabolism (PDM), Drug Safety R
Qualifications and Attributes:
?Educational: Pharm. D., Ph.D., or equivalent training or experience in pharmacokinetics, pharmacometrics, clinical pharmacology or related discipline.
?Considerable organizational awareness (inter-relationship of departments, business priorities, etc.)
Technical Competencies
?Clinical pharmacology: demonstrates cursory understanding of the following: 1) principles of PK, PK-PD and pharmacology relevant to drug candidates; 2) other relevant scientific disciplines, including drug metabolism, drug transport, formulation sciences, biopharmaceutics, pathophysiology and therapeutics; and 3) quantitative modeling and simulation principles
?Communication skills: Demonstrates ability to effectively present PK/PD data, clinical pharmacology development plans and strategies to various audiences in both verbal and written form (English and Mandarin); demonstrate ability to write PK/PD results, interpretations (including impact) and conclusions for clinical study reports and regulatory documents that are clear and concise.
?Regulatory knowledge: Understands and is able to apply appropriate China FDA, US FDA, EMA and ICH guidelines in the design of clinical development plans and studies with close supervision
美國輝瑞公司是一家擁有150多年歷史的世界著名的研究開發型跨國制藥企業, 并在心血管、內分泌、呼吸系統和感染性疾病、精神科、關節炎和其它炎癥、泌尿科、癌癥、眼科疾病等醫學領域均保持領先水平。我們創新的、具有高附加值的產品改善了世界各地患者的生活質量。
目前作為世界最大制藥公司,其營銷網遍及全球150多個國家和地區的輝瑞公司始終恪守 "關愛生命,輝瑞使命" 的承諾。本著這一崇高的目標, 輝瑞公司于1989來到了中國。目前輝瑞公司在中國大連、蘇州、無錫擁有了符合GMP標準的現代化制藥生產設施,其各個投資項目累計投資總額超過5億美元,是目前在中國投資最大的外資制藥企業之一。輝瑞公司在中國一貫致力于通過不斷引進、生產和推廣創新的藥品,努力使中國患者能夠享受更健康、更有活力的生活。
輝瑞公司一向視人才為企業的生命及最寶貴的資源。我們倡導多元化的人力資源結構,使公司員工獲得最大的發展空間。我們堅信: 優秀的人才和科學的管理將使輝瑞制藥有限公司成為中國制藥業的領導者。 在此,我們誠邀社會有識之士加盟輝瑞大家庭,為實現我們"成為在中國最受欽佩和推崇的制藥公司"的目標而共同攜手努力。
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
北京招聘企業: 叮當智慧藥房(北京)有限公司 北京久峰潤達生物技術有限公司 北京協和醫院 北京海斯美醫藥技術有限公司 北京策知易咨詢有限公司 北京萬泰生物藥業有限公司 百濟神州 北京凱霖娜國際貿易有限公司好益生醫院分公司 中國生物制藥有限公司 國藥集團工業有限公司
職位發布日期: 2019-10-15