APP 項目經理(APP 產品經理)

Job Overview and Scope
Scope brief introduction:
This position is part of China Health IT team as well as part of global health IT, support key mobile projects and business enhancement (covering trade promotion implementation on specific mobile application supporting b2b sales growth) as well as supporting the local, regional and global IT application operation, as senior business analyst and project manager role.
Organization Relationship
Solid Line Report to (Title): Senior China IT Manager
Partner with business team and market/regional/global IT team to analyze, align and prioritize requirement, propose technical solution, define project scope, implementation timeline, test plan, according RB business strategy and IT governance/strategy, especially the SDLC (software development life cycle) best practice and control point, enabling business value live with IT solution.
Partner with regional and global IT team to understand MJN IM portfolio operation strategy and plan, especially the infrastructure team to enabling the solution landing in China market with optimal user experience.
Partner with other markets’ IT team to share best practice and enable optimal solution rollout with optimal integration solution where needed.
Partner external business partner’s IT team to enable mutual IT solution to achieve the common business objective with optimal timeline and cost.
Partner and lead the external IT resource to execute project plan, especially the requirement collection, function design and test plan execution, as well as leverage market best practice and learn the updated technic.
Key Responsibilities / Core Responsibilities
This position will support the key IT projects taking the business analyst and IT project manager role, from project initialization till project closure. Partner with business functions to support business process redesign as well as optimization, contribute value input and support the project objective achievement.
- Support internal business team and external business partner to prioritize requirement according to business objective with program manager.
- Convert business process requirement into technical requirement, author requirement specification, contribute valuable input with IT best practice and mobile application development, review and update with business SME (subject matter expert), business partner’s technical team, other market IT team and IT Program Manager.
- Support and coordinate design specification, test plan defining process with 3rd party technical team, internal IT team and external business partner’s technical team, according to business requirement and RB IT SDLC governance and best practice
- Lead user acceptance testing process, working with business tester and market/regional/global test controller, ensure testing plan is executed within timeline, ensuring defect management, test summary and correction plan define and execute within timeline
- Review function realization after live, linking wit business objective and propose improvement action, with internal business team and external business partner.
- Lead the project documentation process, ensure documentation quality according to RB SDLC standard
- Support project communication plan execution, partnering with business team, external technical team and IT PM ensuring communication clarity and consistence.
- Support project plan execution monitoring, partnering with business team, 3rd party technical team, external business partner’s technical team and IT program manager ensuring project execution within timeline/budget and deliverable achieving milestone
- Maintains advanced China mobile platform development and integration best practice and technic, through proactive learning through reading, forum and workshop attendance.
- Maintains update FMCG b2b process understanding through proactive attendance of internal business meeting and engagement of cross function team discussion.
- Maintains updated knowledge of the project management skill, including RB specific IT project management and SDLC process, as well as RB business enhancement management process, through proactive learning.
- Maintains of best practice of IT projects and business transition support know how from the industry and market, through active reading and communication.
This position also supports market/regional/global IT portfolio running well in China. (20%)
Recommended Behavioral Success Factors
- Communication with Clarity
- Business partnering
- Learning Agility
- Detail Orientated
美贊臣公司隸屬于全球制藥公司之一的百時美施貴寶公司,是有100多年歷史的全球營養品公司之一,在全球各大洲都有生產基地,營養產品行銷全球100多個國家和地區,受到千百萬營養專家和母親的信任,堪稱世界級營養專家。美贊臣公司自進入中國市場以來,產品遍及200多個城市,為中國的消費者帶來 “安兒寶”、“安兒健”,以及“愛力大”系列等高品質營養配方奶粉,并且在全國范圍內得到迅速的發展。
廣東相關職位: 市場推廣經理 醫藥信息溝通經理(廣州) 銷售總監 醫藥招商經理 質量管理部部長 固體車間主任 設備管理員 質量負責人 商采總監 工藝員
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
廣東招聘企業: 中山大學附屬第一醫院 廣東奧博藥業有限公司 廣州肯愛醫藥生物技術有限公司 珠海柯諾醫療科技有限公司 廣東宏健醫療器械有限公司 貴州益佰制藥股份有限公司 深圳華聲醫療技術有限公司 廣州市天河區棠下街社區衛生服務中心 廣東聯合亞太食品藥品物流股份有限公司 廣東聯合亞太食品藥品物流股份有限公司
職位發布日期: 2019-05-22