業務流程管理主管Business Process Supervisor

This position is responsible for the overall process management and documentation of the PCH business operation, including but not limited to the timely design and development of the process to overcome challenges in terms of legal, compliance, credit management, rebate management, material management, sales activities monitoring, etc.
(Please list the main job responsibilities, tasks and key deliverables)
1. Policy or SOP database management & advice
a) Develop, maintain and communicate the list of relevant SOPs/SOP database in business process and controls
b) Advise the management and drive the development of necessary SOPs to build and improve the internal control environment;
2. Walkthrough Test
a) Design the annual calendar to conduct walkthrough test of the SOPs based on risks level acquired from the annual risk assessment result to promote the up-to-date and actual implementation of the SOPs;
b) Prepare the walkthrough test report & advise the management of any major discrepancies in following the SOPs by the organization and provide the recommendation in remediation;
3. Compliance operation support and coordination
a) Serve as the focal point to liaise with the Pfizer China compliance operation team to ensure PCH is offered with the right level and scope of services;
b) Support corporate audit exercise including but not limited to coordinate the Pfizer China compliance operation team, PCH Finance and relevant PCH departments before and during the corporate audit exercise; lead PCH in the completion of the remediation work post audit;
4. Sample product, Free goods, Gimmicks, Promotional items management
a) Design the annual training schedule, prepare the training materials and conduct the training;
b) Be responsible for the management including SOP update , Bincard management, analysis & reporting and mini-audit on the SOP implementation;
5. Other support
a) Support operation control manager to build PMOC internal working process and standard & quality control scheme;
b) Support operation control manager to check the performance level of PMOC whether is accordance with the internal standards;
c) Support other business process improvement and compliance operation related project
? Minimum 3 years of relevant experience in the internal control, Internal auditor, compliance or the related discipline
? BIG FOUR experience is highly preferred
? Good interpersonal skills
? Strong analytical skills with sound business knowledge in the field sales activities
? High energy and resilience
? Handles day-to-day challenges confidently & independently
? Reasonable English oral, reading and writing skills
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
上海招聘企業: 百進冠合(海南) 醫療科技有限公司 上海華茂藥業有限公司 上海信誼藥廠有限公司 上海強生制藥 歐姆龍健康醫療(中國)有限公司 青海瑞成藥業(集團)有限公司 上海交通大學醫學院附屬瑞金醫院 復旦大學附屬中山醫院 上海復星醫藥 上海醫藥集團
職位發布日期: 2016-11-21