高級應用專員-CT/磁共振 (南京/廣州)

Description:Responsible for providing formal technical, application and clinical support during the whole sales process. Responsibilities may include providing the required product demonstrations, clinical trial support, post-sale installation, as well as application training and/or customer service activities to support sales objectives.Key Responsibilities Include:? Provide technical, application and clinical leadership during whole sales process by demonstrating full range of product features (CT, MR and cathlab)? Develop, coordinate and deliver product application training to customers on contrast, software and/or equipment usage, optimizing and demonstrating Imaging protocols, use of Injectors, maintaining customer relationships? Improve customer satisfaction and socket retention through continuing education on optimization of equipment utilization by customer? Support trade shows and professional conferences by performing product demonstration, Image Quality with Contrast Imaging protocols and promotion as well as customer training? Use market and product knowledge to assist sales team in developing sales, marketing and customer service strategies? Produce well-written post-training reports and provide regular feedback on customer satisfaction and needsRequired Qualifications:PhD degree in related business or technical/clinical field• Required active professional clinical/technical certifications/registries necessary to scan live patients in a clinical set-up• Clinical scanning proficiencies on current products/platforms• Minimum of 2 years clinical / technical experience• Willingness to travel extensively within your specified geographic region as well as to nationwide sales meetings and tradeshows• Ability to communicate effectively using English• Strong presentation skills (public speaking and lecture experience desired)• Demonstrated ability to understand and present complex material in understandable terms• Demonstrated interpersonal & communication skills Proven professional business acumen (experience interfacing with both internal team members and external customers as a part of a solution-based sales process)• Self-motivated, willingness to take the initiative to identify opportunities for improvement and take actions to improve• Team oriented with a customer satisfaction mindset
GE 醫療集團隸屬于GE(通用電氣)公司,為全世界提供開創醫療護理新時代的革新性醫療技術和服務。GE醫療集團在醫學成像、信息技術、醫療診斷、患者監護系統、藥物研發、生物制藥技術、卓越運營和整體運營解決方案等領域擁有廣泛的專業技術,能夠幫助客戶以更低的成本為全世界更多的人提供更優質的服務。GE醫療集團還和醫療行業領袖加強合作,全力支持全球政策的發展,助力打造成功的、可持續的醫療體系。
GE醫療集團總部設在英國,員工分布于全球100 多個國家和地區,致力于為醫療專業人士和患者服務。
2009 年5 月,GE在全球啟動“健康創想”戰略。根據該戰略,GE 承諾在六年內投資 60 億美元用于改善公眾健康,通過創新科技降低醫療成本,增加醫療機會,提高醫療質量,以更低的成本為更多人提供更好的醫療服務,作為該戰略實施的核心業務部門,GE 醫療集團正在全世界范圍內為以更低的成本改善健康、挽救生命而不斷努力。
GE醫療集團從1979 年開始在中國開展業務,于1986年在北京成立了第一個辦事處。1991 年,航衛通用電氣醫療系統有限公司在北京成立,成為GE在中國的第一家合資企業。目前,GE 醫療集團在中國建立了包括獨資和合資企業在內的多個經營實體,擁有員工4,500 多名。GE 醫療集團在中國共擁有七個全球生產基地:在北京建有CT掃描系統、磁共振成像系統 和 X 光成像系統工廠,在上海有生命科學基地,在無錫建有超聲和患者監護儀設備工廠,在桐廬建有濾紙生產基地,在深圳建有醫用面罩生產基地。其中,在北京的GE(中國)醫療工業園區,占地 6萬平方米,是 GE 醫療集團全球最大的生產和研發基地之一。
江蘇相關職位: KA代表 培訓講師 培訓講師 醫藥信息溝通經理 醫藥信息溝通經理 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(南京,鎮江,揚州,泰州) 醫藥信息溝通經理(蘇州,無錫,常州)
熱門區域招聘: 重慶 北京 上海 浙江 江蘇 廣東 山東 湖南 安徽 河北
江蘇招聘企業: 吉林萬通藥業集團藥品經銷有限公司 江蘇吉貝爾藥業有限公司 魚躍醫療 徐州新沂市鐘吾醫院 麗珠醫藥集團股份有限公司 無錫道生中醫文化發展有限公司 廣東眾生藥業股份有限公司蘇北辦事處 江蘇大豐同仁醫院 江蘇南中醫豐盛健康城有限公司 江蘇南京溧水區中醫院
職位發布日期: 2015-01-16